Monday, July 14, 2014

How to integrate your Android app with the CodeRed launcher

What is CodeRed?

CodeRed is an ambitious new Android TV box launcher with a strong emphasis on simplicity, beauty and flexability.  One of the really cool features of the CodeRed launcher is it's plugin architecture for it's Film strip control.  The launcher comes packaged with several Film strip plugins that provide content for the film strip, such as Youtube, Facebook, Vimeo, Instagram and Vine.  But it doesn't stop there.  With the CodeRed API it's quick and easy for anyone to integrate and provide content for the CodeRed film strip.

NOTE: Since the CodeRed launcher hasn't been released yet, if you'd like a test build to play with and use to test your apps integration with it, please email me at and I'll send you the latest build and provide any support you need to get your plugin working.  Also, this isn't the final code for the API, there won't be any major changes, but there will be a few small changes I'll need to make before the final release such as a versioning system.


In what scenarios would you want to provide content to the CodeRed launcher?  Here are a couple of possibilities..

1. You maintain an app that provides your users with video content from the internet and would like this content to be easily accessible on a TV using an Android TV box.  When a users selects your video on the CodeRed launcher, it starts streaming immediately without even running your app.
2. You maintain an app that contains it's own local content that you'd like presented to the user on a TV directly from the launcher.  When a user selects your content in the launcher, it launches that content directly in your app.
3. Some combination of the above 2 scenarios.  For example, perhaps the content you are exposing to the CodeRed launcher requires further processing before streaming.  You could provide presentation content to the launcher and when the user selects your content, your app is invoked and any further processing can take place before playing the content.

Before I go into detail explaining how you can integrate with the CodeRed launcher, I will describe what is involved behind the scenes.  Before I get into it, I'd like to thank Roman Nurik for sharing his very clever pattern for publishing and subscribing to content between 2 apps using IntentService.  We are using a very similar pattern in the CodeRed launcher for allowing others to publish content to the launcher.  You can see Roman's awesome live wallpaper app on GitHub here.

The concept is actually very simple.  The CodeRed launcher has implemented a subscriber IntentService that handles incoming requests from apps that want to publish content to the launcher.  In turn, an app that wants to publish content is doing so by subclassing an IntentService based class (from the CodeRed API) and implementing the onTryUpdate() method.  I'll go into more detail to help with the specific implementation later, but that is the basic  flow.

Lets get started

  1. You'll need the CodeRed API library first.  You can get it here.
  2. Copy this library to your apps libs folder or link the CodeRed API library project to your project in Eclipse.  Now you should have access to the CodeRed API in your app.
  3. Create a new subclass of RemoteCodeRedFilmSource.
  4. Override and implement the onTryUpdate(int reason) method.  This is the only method that you need to implement.  In this method you will need to prepare your content and create a list of FilmItem's.  FilmItem is a data object that is part of the CodeRed API.  Inside the FilmItems are various data members that describe your content, including title, description, thumbnail Uri, content Uri and an Intent.  There's also support for some branding elements, but I'll talk about them in another blog post.  Most of the elements of a FilmItem are pretty self explanatory, however, the Intent is an interesting one.  In order for a user to actually do something with your content in the launcher, you will either need to supply a content Uri or an Intent.  If you supply a content Uri, when the user selects it, the launcher will launch an Intent with ACTION_VIEW and use the Uri you supplied.  If this is a video stream, then a video player should handle it, if it's an http link then the web browser should handle it, etc.

    If you supplied an Intent, then instead of the launcher letting the OS decide what to do with your content, you can specify exactly what you want to happen by supplying a specific Intent.  So, for example if you want your app to be invoked specifically when a user selects your content, you should provide an Intent that launches your app specifically with whatever extra data is required.

    Don't forget to call scheduleUpdate(long timeInMillis) as the last thing you do.  This ensures that your plugin will continue to publish new data to the launcher at the interval you specify.
  5. There is one last step that is required.  You need to update your apps Manifest file with some information that will allow the CodeRed launcher to know that you have implemented a plugin with the CodeRed API.  All you need to do is add this specific action to your IntentServices definition in your Manifest.

         <action android:name="" />

Here is a complete example showing how to provide trending Youtube videos to the CodeRed launcher.

public class YoutubeFilmSource extends RemoteCodeRedFilmSource {
    private static final String TAG = LogUtil.makeLogTag(YoutubeFilmSource.class);
    private static final String SOURCE_NAME = "Youtube videos";

public YoutubeFilmSource() {

protected void onTryUpdate(int reason) throws RetryException {
        List<FilmItem> currentFilms = getCurrentFilms();
        JSONObject jsonObject;
        ArrayList<FilmItem> films = new ArrayList<FilmItem>();
        try {
            jsonObject = IOUtil.fetchJsonObject(getString(R.string.youtube_videos_url));
JSONObject jsonFeed = jsonObject.getJSONObject("feed");
JSONArray entries = jsonFeed.getJSONArray("entry");
for (int i=0; i < ((entries.length() > 20) ? 20 : entries.length()); i++) {
JSONObject entry = entries.getJSONObject(i);
JSONObject mediaGroup = entry.getJSONObject("media$group");
JSONArray thumbnails = mediaGroup.getJSONArray("media$thumbnail");
JSONObject description = mediaGroup.getJSONObject("media$description");
JSONArray links = entry.getJSONArray("link");
JSONObject title = entry.getJSONObject("title");

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);

FilmItem film = new FilmItem.Builder()

        } catch (JSONException e) {
            LOGE(TAG, "Error reading JSON", e);
            throw new RetryException(e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOGE(TAG, "Error reading JSON", e);
            throw new RetryException(e);

        if (films != null && currentFilms != null && films.equals(currentFilms)) {
            LOGD(TAG, "Skipping update of same content.");
        } else {
            LOGD(TAG, "Publishing content update: " + films);
            if (films != null && jsonObject != null) {
            LOGD(TAG,"Youtube film source publishing films to launcher");
        // show the latest photo in 30 minutes
        scheduleUpdate(System.currentTimeMillis() + 30 * 60 * 1000);

Monday, January 30, 2012

Android Design Tip: Drop shadows on ListViews

Today the designer on my project showed me a comp with a nice drop shadow between two views that gives the illusion that one is sort of behind the other after an animation is run to reveal it.  He gave me a nice 9 patched image file to use, nothing to it right?  Well, not exactly.  So the the view that the drop shadow is meant to be applied to contains a ListView.  And the drop shadow is a narrow vertical line running down the right hand side of the ListView.

Failed attempt #1: Add an ImageView in my layout with the ListView such that it's aligned with the parents top, right and bottom.  And thinking I was being clever, I even added it last in my layout, so it would be "on top".  Well for most views this is probably good enough, but when I ran it, I couldn't see my drop shadow.  You may have already guessed why.  The list item views in my ListView are drawn last, over top of my drop shadow.

So after a bit of reading up on ListView and well AdapterView in general.  I found the method I needed to override.  dispatchDraw(Canvas).  This allows us to draw whatever we want over top of our AdapterView after all it's child views have been drawn!

So long story short, just sub class ListView and override dispatchDraw(Canvas) to get the desired effect.  First, here is a screen cap of my result.

What I ended up doing is creating some custom attributes for left, right, top, bottom as booleans to indicate if a drop shadow should be drawn, then also which drawable to use for each side.  Here is my attrs.xml


And here is my custom ListView subclass.
public class DropShadowListView extends ListView {

    private static final int LOC_LEFT = 0;
    private static final int LOC_TOP = 1;
    private static final int LOC_RIGHT = 2;
    private static final int LOC_BOTTOM = 3;

    private int mDropShadowRightId;
    private int mDropShadowLeftId;
    private int mDropShadowTopId;
    private int mDropShadowBottomId;

    private boolean mDropShadowRight;
    private boolean mDropShadowLeft;
    private boolean mDropShadowTop;
    private boolean mDropShadowBottom;

    public DropShadowListView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

        TypedArray a = getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.DropShadowListView);

        mDropShadowRightId = a.getResourceId(R.styleable.DropShadowListView_dropShadowRightSrc, -1);
        mDropShadowLeftId = a.getResourceId(R.styleable.DropShadowListView_dropShadowLeftSrc, -1);
        mDropShadowTopId = a.getResourceId(R.styleable.DropShadowListView_dropShadowTopSrc, -1);
        mDropShadowBottomId = a.getResourceId(R.styleable.DropShadowListView_dropShadowBottomSrc, -1);

        mDropShadowRight = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.DropShadowListView_dropShadowRight, false);
        mDropShadowLeft = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.DropShadowListView_dropShadowLeft, false);
        mDropShadowTop = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.DropShadowListView_dropShadowTop, false);
        mDropShadowBottom = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.DropShadowListView_dropShadowBottom, false);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see android.widget.ListView#dispatchDraw(
    protected void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) {

        Bitmap bm;
        if (mDropShadowRight) {
            bm = getBitmap(mDropShadowRightId);
            canvas.drawBitmap(bm, null, getDropShadowArea(LOC_RIGHT, canvas, bm), null);

        if (mDropShadowLeft) {
            bm = getBitmap(mDropShadowLeftId);
            canvas.drawBitmap(bm, null, getDropShadowArea(LOC_LEFT, canvas, bm), null);

        if (mDropShadowTop) {
            bm = getBitmap(mDropShadowTopId);
            canvas.drawBitmap(bm, null, getDropShadowArea(LOC_TOP, canvas, bm), null);

        if (mDropShadowBottom) {
            bm = getBitmap(mDropShadowBottomId);
            canvas.drawBitmap(bm, null, getDropShadowArea(LOC_BOTTOM, canvas, bm), null);

     * Get the correct bitmap from context resources
     * @param id
     *            Resource id
     * @return Bitmap to draw on the view
    private Bitmap getBitmap(int id) {
        return BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getContext().getResources(), id);

     * Get the Rect to draw the Bitmap in
     * @param loc
     *            Left, Top, Right or Bottom (0,1,2,3)
     * @param canvas
     *            The canvas to we're drawing on
     * @param bm
     *            The bitmap we're drawing
     * @return Rect for the area we are drawing the Bitmap onto the canvas
    private Rect getDropShadowArea(int loc, Canvas canvas, Bitmap bm) {
        switch (loc) {
            case LOC_LEFT :
                return new Rect(0, 0, bm.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight());
            case LOC_TOP :
                return new Rect(0, 0, canvas.getWidth(), bm.getHeight());
            case LOC_RIGHT :
                return new Rect(canvas.getWidth() - bm.getWidth(), 0, canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight());
            case LOC_BOTTOM :
                return new Rect(0, canvas.getHeight() - bm.getHeight(), canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight());
            default :
                return null;

And finally you can create this custom ListView in xml like this.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Animation Two Ways part 3

This is part 3 in a 3 part post outlining the approach I took in handling an increasing number of animations across multiple Android OS versions.

In part 1 I demonstrated the idea of defining your moving parts (well, Views) in a UI state class.
In part 2 I demonstrated the idea of managing all your animation situations in an animation controller class.

In the final part I will demonstrate how I deal with supporting both the old Animation API in Gingerbread and lower, as well as the new Animation API in Honeycomb and greater.

You might have noticed in part 2 that I created an instance of AnimationHelper.  This is the super class where I define the method signatures for all the animations I want to execute.  I've created it as an abstract class, so I'm not actually doing anything here other than creating the method signatures and holding references to the Views I plan to animate.

public abstract class AnimationHelper {

    protected View mPlaylists;
    protected View mContent;
    protected View mFilmStrip;
    protected Context mCtx;

    public AnimationHelper() {

     * Define the animation for raising the film strip
    public void startFilmStripUpAnimation() {

     * Define the animation for lowering the film strip
    public void startFilmStripDownAnimation() {

Then I create a sub class of AnimationHelper for each OS version I want to support. In this case there are only 2 Animation API's. Gingerbread and lower and Honeycomb and higher. So I create FroyoAnimationHelper and HoneycombAnimationHelper where I implement the methods from the super class.  Here is a snippet from my HoneycombAnimationHelper class showing some of the implementation.  Of course the implementation will look different in the FroyoAnimationHelper since you will use the old Animation API for older versions.

public class HoneycombAnimationHelper extends AnimationHelper {
  * Create a HoneycombAnimationHelper object
  * @param mCtx  Activity context
  * @param parent Parent view containing a playlist and a filmstrip
    public HoneycombAnimationHelper(Context mCtx, View parent) {
  this.mCtx = mCtx;
  this.mContent = parent.findViewById(;
  this.mPlaylists = parent.findViewById(;
  this.mFilmStrip = parent.findViewById(;

 /* (non-Javadoc)
  * @see
  * Using new Honeycomb ObjectAnimator see animation definition in res/animator/animator_film_strip_up.xml
 public void startFilmStripUpAnimation() {
  ObjectAnimator set = (ObjectAnimator) AnimatorInflater.loadAnimator(mCtx, R.animator.animator_film_strip_up);

 /* (non-Javadoc)
  * @see
  * Using new Honeycomb ObjectAnimator see animation definition in res/animator/animator_film_strip_down.xml
 public void startFilmStripDownAnimation() {
  ObjectAnimator set = (ObjectAnimator) AnimatorInflater.loadAnimator(mCtx, R.animator.animator_film_strip_down);

 /* (non-Javadoc)
  * @see
 public void startGridUpAnimation() {
  ObjectAnimator set = (ObjectAnimator) AnimatorInflater.loadAnimator(mCtx, R.animator.animator_grid_up);
  set.addListener(new AnimatorListener() {
   public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) {    
   public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animation) {    
   public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
   public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) {    

The beauty of implementing it this way is that in your AnimationControler you can create an AnimationHelper but then check your OS version and instantiate the correct sub class at run time.  Here's a clip from my AnimationControler constructor showing how I did this.

    public AnimationController(Activity ctx, View contentView, UserActionListener userActionListener) {
        this.mCtx = ctx;
        this.mContentView = contentView;
        this.mUserActionListener = userActionListener;

        // Setup animations
        if (VersionCheck.isHoneycombOrGreater()) {
            mAnimHelper = new HoneycombAnimationHelper(mCtx, mContentView);
        } else if (VersionCheck.isFroyoOrGingerbread()) {
            mAnimHelper = new FroyoAnimationHelper(mCtx, mContentView);

        // Create initial UI state (ActionBar, Header shown)
        this.mCurrentUIState = new ConsumptionUIState();
        this.mPreviousUIState = new ConsumptionUIState();

        // Initialise the current UI state
        // set the previous state to video list closed for the first time

As you can see, by setting up your animations like this we can keep our Activity code nice and clean, support multiple OS versions and make it easier for others to work with your animations code.  I hope this helps you keep your code clean!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Animation Two Ways Part 2

This is part 2 in a 3 part post outlining the approach I took in handling an increasing number of animations across multiple Android OS versions.

In part 1 I demonstrated the idea of defining your moving parts (well, Views) in a UI state class.  You'll see why I did that in this post.  Before I continue, it's a good point to describe what my vision for this solution was.

Ideally all I want in my Activity are Views with listeners for touch.  When a View is notified that it's been touched, rather than put all my animation code in there, I really just want to make a call to some other entity that will do all the work for me.  I'm calling that entity my animation controller.  So all that messy animation code and version checking can be removed from the Activity and dealt with in it's own class. 

In my animation controller class, what I want to do is maintain 2 UI state objects.  One will contain our current UI state and another to contain our previous UI state.  I'll create an instance of the animation controller in my Activity and pass it my parent view.  Since the animation controller has the parent view, it can find any of the child views that we want to animate.  

public class AnimationController {
    // Object to track the state of UI
    private UIState mCurrentUIState;
    private UIState mPreviousUIState;
    // animation helper
    private AnimationHelper mAnimHelper;
    private View mContentView;
    private Context mCtx;

    public AnimationController(Activity ctx, View contentView) {
        this.mCtx = ctx;
        this.mContentView = contentView;

        // Setup animations
        if (VersionCheck.isHoneycombOrGreater()) {
            mAnimHelper = new HoneycombAnimationHelper(mCtx, mContentView);
        } else if (VersionCheck.isFroyoOrGingerbread()) {
            mAnimHelper = new FroyoAnimationHelper(mCtx, mContentView);

        // Create initial UI state (ActionBar, Header shown)
        this.mCurrentUIState = new ConsumptionUIState();
        this.mPreviousUIState = new ConsumptionUIState();

        // Initialise the current UI state
        // set the previous state to video list closed for the first time

One of the keys to notice here is that I'm creating an instance of AnimationHelper based on which OS we're running on.  I've created a sub class of AnimationHelper for Honeycomb and one for Froyo & Gingerbread.  I'll talk about AnimationHelper in part 3, but for now, that's where the animation code is found.

Whenever the view we want to animate is touched, a call to the animation controller is made.  The animation controller will copy it's current UI state object to it's previous UI state object, then set the new current UI state to the new UI configuration.  In this case instead of handling a touch in my Activity, it's actually a gesture swipe up or down to move between the 3 states of my video chooser (closed, open, full screen).  In my Activity when the gesture is detected, it's determined if it was an up or down swipe and this method is called with the boolean set true if the swipe was up, false if it was down.

    public void swipeVideoHeader(boolean up) {
        // If the user swiped up
        if (up) {
            switch (mCurrentUIState.getHeaderState()) {
                case CLOSED :
                case OPEN :
                case FULL :
                    // Do nothing, already expanded to max
            // if the user swiped down
        } else {
            switch (mCurrentUIState.getHeaderState()) {
                case CLOSED :
                    // Do nothing, already closed
                case OPEN :
                case FULL :

Finally I created an animate method in the animation controller that will be called whenever we change our current UI state object and based on our previous and current UI states, it will determine which animation should be run.

    private boolean animate() {
        if (
            return false;
        else {
            // FILM STRIP: Animate from OPEN to CLOSED
            if ((mCurrentUIState.getHeaderState() == ConsumptionUIState.HeaderState.CLOSED)
                    && (mPreviousUIState.getHeaderState() == ConsumptionUIState.HeaderState.OPEN)) {

            // FILM STRIP: Animate from CLOSED to OPEN
            if ((mCurrentUIState.getHeaderState() == ConsumptionUIState.HeaderState.OPEN)
                    && (mPreviousUIState.getHeaderState() == ConsumptionUIState.HeaderState.CLOSED)) {

            // FILM STRIP: Animate from OPEN to FULL
            if ((mCurrentUIState.getHeaderState() == ConsumptionUIState.HeaderState.FULL)
                    && (mPreviousUIState.getHeaderState() == ConsumptionUIState.HeaderState.OPEN)) {

            // FILM STRIP: Animate from FULL to OPEN
            if ((mCurrentUIState.getHeaderState() == ConsumptionUIState.HeaderState.OPEN)
                    && (mPreviousUIState.getHeaderState() == ConsumptionUIState.HeaderState.FULL)) {

            // ACTIONBAR BOTTOM: Animate from shown to hidden
            if ((mCurrentUIState.showActionBarBottom() == false) && (mPreviousUIState.showPlaylists() == true))

            // ACTIONBAR BOTTOM: Animate from hidden to shown
            if ((mCurrentUIState.showActionBarBottom() == true) && (mPreviousUIState.showActionBarBottom() == false))

            return true;

In part 3 I'll demonstrate the AnimationHelper super class and the OS specific sub classes where the actual animation code is. And finally tie it all together by showing how I set it all up in my Activity.

Animation Two Ways Part 1

If you've been writing Android code for a while, you've probably done some work with the Animation API.  You might have noticed that Google released a new Animation API for Honeycomb.  I'm not going to talk about the details of the Animation API's.  Instead I want to show you a technique I've used recently to help develop an app containing not only a lot of view animations, but also had to support both Honeycomb and previous versions of the Android OS

What I discovered early on was that it gets ugly quickly trying to support multiple versions of Android in your app.  You end up with a lot of version checks throughout your apps Activity's.  Add to this the relatively verbose Animation code and things start to get out of hand.

In my case, I have various screen elements that can be in various states of display.  Specifically I have a video chooser that can be in 3 states (closed, open, full screen) and a playlist selection panel that can be shown and hidden.  On top of that I need to be able to hide the UI when a video is played and show it again when it's paused or finished.

I'm going to show you a nice clean way to deal with all those Animations across multiple OS versions in 3 steps.

First lets create a class that that will contain state information about our UI.  So I define a boolean for each View that can be shown or hidden in my UI.  Then I create a static enum defining my 3 positions for my video chooser view.

public class UIState {

    public static enum HeaderState {
    private boolean mShowActionBar = true;
    private boolean mShowPlaylists = false;

    private boolean mShowHeader = true;
    private boolean mShowFilmStrip = false;
    private boolean mShowGrid = false;

Then create getters and setters for those data members.  I created a few additional methods to copy and compare UIState objects, as well as a few special setters for "configuring" my header, film strip and grid booleans in specific configurations.

     * @param mShowHeader
     *            the mShowHeader to set
    public void setShowHeader() {
        mShowHeader = true;
        mShowFilmStrip = false;
        mShowGrid = false;

     * @param mShowFilmStrip
     *            the mShowFilmStrip to set
    public void setShowFilmStrip() {
        mShowHeader = true;
        mShowFilmStrip = true;
        mShowGrid = false;

     * @param mShowGrid
    public void setShowGrid() {
        mShowHeader = true;
        mShowFilmStrip = false;
        mShowGrid = true;

Finally I create a method that will return the current state of the video chooser based on the configuration of header, film strip and grid.

     * Method that returns the current state of the header (CLOSED,OPEN,FULL)
    public HeaderState getHeaderState() {
     if (showFilmStrip()) {
      return HeaderState.OPEN;
     if (showGrid()) {
      return HeaderState.FULL;
     if (!showFilmStrip() && !showGrid()) {
      return HeaderState.CLOSED;
     // should only hit this if there is a bug in how we are setting our UI state objects
     return HeaderState.CLOSED;

In part 2 I will show you how to create an Animation helper super class that we'll subclass for Honeycomb and Gingerbread and lower.  This is where we will define our individual animations for our views.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Irregular ActionBar

So you've been working with the Honeycomb API's for a while and are comfortable with the new ActionBar.  Then your designer sends you this visual design...

Can you spot what is going on in that screenshot?  ActionBar is the rectangular area at the top of your Honeycomb app where you can put things like tabs, menus, drop down lists, etc.  But for all the styling you can apply to your ActionBar, it's still a rectangle.  If you want to add a bit of flare to your ActionBar and break out of that rectangular box.  Here's a neat trick.

Your visual designer just sent you the background resource for your apps ActionBar, and it's got some irregularities to it's shape, with some transparency and they expect your frame content to seamlessly scroll behind your ActionBar.  Here's what you do.

Step 1: Send it back and tell them the ActionBar is a rectangle! This rarely works.

Step 2: Bring the image into your favorite image editing software (I use Gimp).  Now you want to cut the image horizontally and save the top (rectangular) portion in one image file, and the bottom irregular portion in a second image file.

ActionBar header top (header_top.png)

ActionBar header bottom (header_bottom.png)
Step 3: Create a custom style that uses Widget.Holo.ActionBar as it's parent and set the header_top.png as the background drawable for your ActionBar.  Then make sure you add your style as a theme to your manifest file under application (android:theme="@style/MyTheme")  So far nothing too special, you've set a background image for your ActionBar.




Step 4: Modify your content layout file to include the bottom part of the ActionBar as an ImageView and use android:layout_alignParentTop="true" to make sure it is "attached" to the top of your parent view and looks like it's part of your ActionBar.  Note that your parent layout will need to be a RelativeLayout in order for this to work.

Now, if you run your app and you can't see the bottom part of the ActionBar that you just added, you probably put your ImageView before your content in your layout.  Even though you've told your ImageView to alignParentTop, if you create it before your content view, it will be covered up and you actually want it to be drawn last in your view.  So move it to be the last view in your layout.  That should do it!  Check out your awesome irregular ActionBar!




Credit to my designer Stefan for the awesome idea!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Renderscript: Components of a 3d scene

For anyone looking into renderscript who has never done any 3d graphics before, this is for you!  There is a lot of new terminology, and a whole lot of math involved.  Scared yet?  Don't be, the set of components involved in rendering a 3d scene is finite and well defined.

Rendering Pipeline
Rendering a scene simple means that you are transforming a 3D field of objects into a 2D image.  I found this easy to understand drawing that should help you to visualize the rendering pipeline.  Credit to these Waterloo university course notes here.

This is what it's all about.  Objects in a scene, comprised of primitives.  There is some key terminology used when we discuss how to build an object in 3d space.

  • Plane This is a a one dimensional slice in space that runs along one of three axis, x, y, or z.
  • Coordinate This is an element that is used to describe a precise point in a single plane.
  • Vertex This is a set of coordinates that are used to describe a precise point in a 3d space.  A vertex is described in the x, y, and z planes.  Typically x represents the horizontal plane, y represents the vertical plane and z represents the depth plane.
  • Primitive A primitive is an atomic geometric object.  ie: points, planes, lines, circles, triangles, spline curves.  For more on primitives see this wiki page.
An object is composed of a set of vertices, and a type of geometric primitive that describes how the vertices should be connected to make a shape.

A models coordinate system (MCS) needs to be transformed into your worlds coordinate system (WCS) using a model transformation matrix.

A 3D world scene will contain your entire scene.  However, the user may not need to see your entire scene on their device.  In order to see smaller sections of your world scene, you need to create a view scene by transforming your world scene to your view scene using a view transformation matrix.  This is a transformation from your WCS to your view coordinate system (VCS).

In order to display your 3D view of your scene on your 2D screen, first we need to calculate what parts of your 3D view will actually be seen.  This is done through a planer projection.  There are two types of 3D planer projections, the one we would normally be using in a renderscript context will be perspective projection.  Basically perspective projection is the idea that objects that are further away look smaller than objects that are closer to the viewer.

The components we need to define in renderscript in order to project a 3D scene onto a 2D screen are as follows:
  • Camera The camera is positioned somewhere in the 3D scene and oriented towards a particular part of the scene.  We also need to define the cameras field of view, which determines how much of the scene is seen by the camera.  In order to actually see something on your 2D screen, you will finally need to define a plane with which we project our scene through.  You can see some drawings that depict this description here.
  • Model This is your 3D model that you want projected.
  • Plane through which your camera projects your scene.
Once your scene is projected into a normalized device coordinate system (NDCS) it is ready for rasterization into the final 2D image in in your screens coordinate system (SCS).  The process of rasterization involves transforming your 2D scene into it's pixel representation on your screen.

This is just a high level view of the basics of 3D rendering, but you need to understand this before digging deeper into the details of how all of this works.  It involves a lot of complicated vector and matrix math.  For more details, have a look at these wikipedia articles.